The main objectives of Buca Municipality in education and arts are; to support the development of young people and children in terms of science, technology, art, to reach information, to be productive person, to apply the information they obtain and thus to grow as individuals with vision and ready for the future. In line with these targets, Kızılçullu Science and Art Center was established in 2019 by Buca Municipality. The center was named after the Kızılçullu Village Institute, which was an exemplary educational institution in Buca in the past. Kızılçullu Science and Art Center aims to teach of science at a young age, to discover and reveal the talents of children who have the ability to different branches of art and thus to bring them up as "Scientists of the Future" and "Artists of the Future". It is planned as a center where young people and children can follow and apply science and technology, produce their own projects and perform artistic activities in line with their abilities. Kızılçullu Science and Art Center organize BUCA IMSEF (International Music, Science, Energy, Engineering Fair) to spread the spirit of scientific research and art to the whole world, to enable young people of the same age to make social and cultural exchanges, to bring together young people from all over the world who open to change and development and interested in science, art and technology in Buca, İzmir, Turkey.